New Zealand Student Tours

Town Planning

Settlements have numerous needs to survive and they often change.

With KANES you gain an insights into some of the important aspects and explore some of the extreme differences among communities we explore.

KANES arrange visits with planning personnel when time and interests of the visitors allow.

Possible areas for group interest:
●  Architecture
Parks & gardens
●  Recreation facilities
●  Water Supply
●  Drainage systems
●  Solid waste systems
●  Industry requirements
●  Transport and roads
●  Finance
●  Administration and leadership
●  Health
●  Conservation
●  Promotion
●  Accommodation
●  Educational facilities
●  Fire control and civil defence
●  Elderly care
●  Early child care
●  Control of pests
●  Air pollution
●  Flood protection

Locations and types of towns
Different town planning systems are used for different towns in different locations and different incomes.

 take you there
