1st calls to discard unsuitable tenancy relationships
Selecting tenants

To save time quickly.
1st callers need to be informed of all the possible difficulties.
Providers need to identify
undesirable renters 

Print this page for quick reference.


1st callers need to know about:-
●  The property address to drive by
●  Costs to move in
●  Availability date
●  Owners preferred tenancy term
●  Income requirements
●  Max number of occupants allowed
●  Space inside and out
●  Policy for pets, smoking, parties, visitors etc.
●  Reference requirements
●  Insurance requirements
(to cover 3rd party liabilities)
●  Appliances,
furniture and furnishings
●  Heating
●  Shared land and facilities
●  Parking, garaging and fencing
●  Ground maintenance requirements
●  Neighbourhood difficulties, (traffic, noise, etc)
●  Access to work, schools, shops, transport, etc.
●  Access to sunshine and privacy
●  Neighbours

Interested callers will drive-by then make a 2nd call if they want to "view inside"

It is illegal to discriminate against:- 
Race, occupation, gender, religion, children or age -
(unless under 18yrs).

Selecting tenants