Inside Viewings
Selecting tenantsLAW: Departing tenants must let prospective renters (or buyers) view inside after 48 hours written notice. Visits can be only between 8am and 7pm.
The following process is planned to minimise time involvement and costs. It removes pressure for those involved and it aims to change tenancies without losses from an empty rental. There are other excellent safe viewing processes used by providers
Providers invite up to 5-7 suitable applicants to view inside
Selections are based on phone conversations and Introduction statements
Presentation is important
Desirable applicants are more likely to choose a clean, tidy well appointed rental property.Invited applicants can view alone
If unit is unoccupied:-
● Leave it unlocked OR
● Advise applicants of the key's hidden location OR
● A willing neighbour may hold the keys for collection.
(Neighbours love to help choose their new neighbours)
B)If occupied:-
Agreeable departing tenants are usually happy to arrange suitable directly with viewers.Departing renters are often pleased to offer their recommendations for a successful applicant.
Providers can help departing tenants with lexible with changeover dates
If departing tenants are not agreeable,
● Be present with all viewings OR
● Arrange multiple viewings with one appointment OR
● Conduct viewings after the hostile tenants leave
Next 3rd calls to apply