Renters applications
Rental properties are valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars and their operational costs are huge.
Providers must establish PROOF applicants will:-1) Pay their rent needed to pay owner's operational costs
2) Care for their rented properties
3) Be good neighbours
Benefits:-● Help prioritise applicants
● Save time with meetings and form filling etc.
● Easily stored, updated and improved
● Easily delivered● Applicants have time to consider the material they give out
Section 1. Compulsory items
(Include reasons for any omissions)● Photo IDs,
i.e. copies of driver’s licences or passports● Other intended occupants:- Names, phones, occupations,
relationships, ages (if under 18) and any pets● Current accommodation address, Owners name & number,
reasons for leaving● Current employer, Names and contact numbers, hours worked
weekly and start dates, or other reliable income● Creditors, Names and phone numbers amounts owing - weekly
payments, finish dates.● Other regular payments Exclude food, rent and transport
● List of convictions over the last 10 years (if any) dates and
penalties involved● List details of tenancy tribunals (if any)
● Notes on smoking, drinking, parties, (if these are to be allowed)
Section 2 - Choice items
Include any combination of items below to make total 100–130 points● Support guarantee statement from guarantor, or MSD, or
employer. Include contact names and numbers, (40pts)● Previous landlords:- names and phone contacts, dates, units
addressees, reasons for leaving, (25pts each)● List of previous employers; dates employed, phone contacts and
reasons for leaving (15pts each)● Attach written testimonials with authors’ names and contact
numbers (15pts each)● Attach budget and statement from advisor willing to control your
finances (25pts)● Attach pay slips:- from; a week ago, a month ago and 3 months
ago* (20pts)● Attach Bank statements covering a recent 3 month period (25pts)
● List names, occupations, relationships and phone nos. of people
able to provide character references (15pts ea)● Explain outside interests organisations and include contact names
and phone numbers of leaders (15pts each)
See also renters application form
IMPORTANT: When distributing CVs, applicants should ensure receivers will:-
1) Keep the information safe and,
2) Safely discard it when relationships end.