New Zealand Learning Adventures (Home)

School Visits

When welcomed by local schools both guests and hosts gain excellent insights into each others communities and lifestyles.

They are best arranged when visitors and hosts communicate directly in advance

Visits to Schools can be arranged New Zealand wide.

We view facilities, meet some staff and students during their recreational breaks or for longer visits guests are guided around the school by senior students.

Special interests
These can involve art, drama, sport, academic studies music. school visits can be arranged with those student and teachers following the same interests.

Home stays
These are best planned between the hosts and guests directly.
KANES coordinate these with the local activities and itinerary.

New Zealand schools appreciate at least 6 months advance notice for visits.  Local exams are held in October & November.

See also:

Extended School Exchanges

Arts, sports & drama

 take you there tailor & your experience with personalised commentaries and arrange timings to best meet your main interests within the time available. 
