New Zealand Student Tours

Volcano Walks

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Mt Ruapehu

Climbing on the volcano Tongariro Crossing

Walks among volcanoes help us understand these amazing features.

Tongariro National Park
Found in the North Island's Volcano Zone fit and experiences walkers can explore the  craters and large expanses of andesitic deposits. You can actually feel the life in the resting giant the Maori people describe in their legends. (Allow a full day - last eruption Sept 2012).

Shield Volcano and lava cave
After a 30 min boat ride from Auckland's CBD in the North Island's Main Population Zone   the trail leads us through large areas of basaltic flows and to the crater itself. There are great city and harbour views to enjoy along the way.  (Allow a day last eruption 1400s)

Organ Pipes
A 40 min walk leads to the fascinating hexagonal basalt columns formed inside a volcano vent.  See the South Island's  Scottish Culture Zone  (Allow 3 hours)

Climb an active Volcano

 take you there - "Moonscapes of volcanic debris."