New Zealand Learning Adventures

 English Culture and Volcano Zone

Lyttleton Harbour Settlement


This Christchurch Harbour community is built inside the crater of a volcano the only available location to provide shelter from the wild Pacific storms.

See also:- Links





The community's primary task is to
service the zone's deep and well protected harbour. 

In the 1850s.first European settlers built their houses near the ships' berth. but soon had to escape the containment of the high crater rim to access farmlands and space for the growing population.

As the shipping traffic thrived the town was packed with its workers. Then, with the arrival of shipping containers in the 1970s  the residents lost 90% of their jobs, the town was devastated, property values plummeted. 

Earthquake Feb 2011
This unexpected event destroyed much of the settlement's CBD and attractive Victorian historic buildings. more>

Social Studies
We explore the history visit places of interest and learn to understand understand how communities can suffer with changing industries and natural events.

We look at possible developments and discuss the relative benefits. 

tailor your experience with personalised commentaries to meet your interests. 