Debt Recovery Process
                                      Renting Tasks
The process can take months or years be patient and persistent.

1) Assemble proof of debts (in hard and soft formats)
      (Rent records for arrears, plus invoices or quotes for cleaning, repairs,
      rubbish removal etc), 

2)  Make Tribunal Application and obtain a "judgement order"

3)   Apply to the courts for an "Attachment order"  
           (Fee $50 -Income provider makes regular payments to creditor
       ●  The "Judgement Order" in hard and soft formats
The debtor's current address
If the current address is not available apply for a "confidential
             address" to the
Courts or
MBIE  (A letter advises the creditor if
             this has been successful) More with Tenancy Services>

       ●  The debtor's current income provider
       ●  Tenancy records
More with MOJ >  

4)  Apply for a "financial assessment hearing" 
             (Fee $180)
- Debtor must attend the court or be arrested. At the
              hearing a court officer will discuss a budget plan and if payments
              can be made an income provider is ordered to make them.

            See other MOJ civil enforcement forms>
            See more about MOJ Civil Debts>  or
phone  0800 233 222 

5)   Re-apply within 6 years if a an assessment fails
   Applications for attachment orders can be repeated
          anytime within 6 years of the last attempt.
Application fees, interest and other collection costs can be added to debts.
