Northern Territory Trip with Bob & Sheena 
 28 May - 14 July  2018

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May 28 - June 1
On the Road and around Hervey Bay Incl Fraser Island

Arrived on time and met up with Alethea & John who kindly organised a dinner with the teachers and partners from their tour group.  It was a great reunion and an honour to see them all again.   Stayed a night near an airport hotel then picked up the van Tuesday and headed north taking time at points of interest on the way. Found there was an extra day as the cuzies were delayed  so took it with a day tour to Fraser Island - the big local tourist attraction.  Quite nice way to fill in the time then on for a 2 hour drive in the dark to Bundaberg in the dark.  EEK!!  Watching out for wayward roos but all was well and met up with the cuzies sleeping in the van for the first night.   I woke up frozen after from 2 am but sorted that out at the next stop - under a bridge at Emerald.  Fine with an extra blanket 

It has taken time to get the phone internet laptop and podcasts working  Number  +614 7313 9770

 It's dark at 5 and light at 6 am and very cold until about 10 am then its lovely. We aim to start driving at 6am and finish at 3 pm. Covered 1100 km do date and aiming to keep under 500 / day to avoid fatigue. The cuzies' bus is a bit slow so we separate and meet up again later - the cost of luxury compared to the campervan which needs a different way of doing things I am still working on.

I have a few minutes to write this at a camp site beside a lake (Teresa Dam) 12 noon the weather feels just lovely, warm, calm and quiet.   Now off for a hot shower then a walk while the cuzies are out kayaking and bird watching on the lake.

Below some of the "Ginger Factory" gardens and ride.

 Thu 31 May  - Day tour to Fraser Island  (Below)

Passenger ship wrecked in a cyclone

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