About rentagain.nz:-
www.rentagain.nz index


This site EXPLAINS CASH-FLOWS for rental homes

Rent needs to pay for:-
●  Operating costs
●  Wages for owners' work
●  Interest on the property's value
 Replacements from rust, wear & rot
●  New "Ring-fencing" tax

Capital gain needs to offset:-
●  Inflation inroads

It AIMS to help providers with ideas and suggestions to make home-renting better by:-
●   Calculating "cash-flows"
●   Reducing administration costs
●   Improving incomes while remaining competitive
●   Staying compliant
●   Building respect and cooperation


Free, cost reducing, Tools include:-
●   Cash-flow calculator

●   Process/checklists
●   Ready made Forms & Letters
●   Brochures to guide and inform
●   Links to other helpful services, forms and applications

When rental homes fail to meet their costs, they are removed from the market and renters lose homes.

See calculations that convert  2 incomes and 4 costs sets into weekly totals for easy cash-flow assment.

Estate agents, commentators, politicians and even owners often fail to understand why rents and capital growth frequently fail to meet their costs. Misunderstandings lead to unfortunate outcomes for renters.


Contents and ideas are offered free of cost by experienced home rental providers (landlords).

This site is not qualified and does NOT provide; legal, investment, tax or business advice. Suggestions calculations, numbers, opinions and ideas mentioned here are of a general nature only. Users should always seek qualified experienced, professional advice before taking important action relating to their rental homes.

Contact us
Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
lloyd@kanes.co.nz  Phone 027 6677 687

www.rentagain.nz index
