New Zealand Student Tours

Physics & Engineering

Hydro Electric Power

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Biggest Earth Dam

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See our coach?

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Earth Dam Profile

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Submarine Cable

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Concrete Dams

Other energy sources
The North Island's need is much greater and cannot rely entirely on the submarine cable and hydro power availability. from the South Island generators. Groups travelling in the North Island can view plants that generate power from geothermal steam, coal, natural gas and wind. As oil is expensive it is only used when hydro systems are short of water. 

Education Centre

KANES arrange for talks and further studies for groups with special interests in these studies. 

See Also:-



LINK   Benmore Power project

Interested groups explore New Zealand's biggest schemes involving dams, canals, storage, generation and transportation of power.   

Non polluting, renewable hydropower is a major asset for New Zealand. Three of New Zealand's largest rivers generate more than 70% of the country's power. and they contribute to the scenic and recreational pleasure for visitors and locals.

As the highest demand for electricity comes from the North Island where 75% of the people live and most of the Hydro Power is generated in the South Island because of its larger mountains, lakes, rivers and gorges a long transmission supply is part of the project.

Action Education
KANES groups can visit New Zealand's largest scheme for better appreciation of the various aspects. We can learn about the physics, engineering, electricity generation, electricity distribution systems.  We see  environmental considerations, recreation and irrigation advantages etc

We look at both concrete and earth dams and see the advantages and applications of each. You can follow the techniques and considerations of building one of these.

We see how these are constructed how water moves and how they cope with floods and flow variations.

Environmental Impact
We look at the losses of land and irrigation resources to be balanced by the advantages of power.

Maintaining supply
Water is needed to flow to meet a varying demand, the supply rate of water depends on the season and the rain fall in the distant mountains.  We see how the supply vs demand differences are solved.

Maintenance of schemes
Interested groups are able to gain an appreciation of the aspects that need to be replaced and repaired periodically.

Systems of converting water into energy
There are developing techniques for building water engines.  Interested groups can see some of these applications.

Transportation of electricity
Because of the distance, terrain and human resistance to power transmission we see these and discuss the many considerations involved.

Related Studies
You can extend your learning to weather, tectonics, rivers, engineering, and physics as they are all closely associated with HEP generation.

 take you there & explain how the power stations work