New Zealand Student Tours



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Big Rapids NI

Braided & Depositing
Canterbury Plains

Flooded River

Flooded Kawaru River

Avon in Christchurch

Desert land Rivers

River Measurements 

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How meandering works

Alpine Trails Zone

Recreation - Jet Boats

Rivers - Fiord Zone

Recreation Kayaking


Eroding Alpine Rivers


Some peace

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Glacier sourced rivers

New Zealand is full of constantly changing rivers. 

Added to their pleasing beauty rivers provide life to the land and energy for people. They may appear robust but we learn how they can be damaged, and even destroyed by human intervention.

In the old days the large slow flowing rivers provided access to rich inland pastures. and their supporting riverside communities.

Deadly events and disasters from the past teach us how rivers can take lives with their strong unseen currents and cold.
We can practise the  techniques to cross them safely.

We explore the geography that creates rivers, the forces that drive them, their uses to human settlers.

Erosion and deposition
We we see rivers cutting giant gorges and mountain valleys, then watch them deposit the bed-load materials onto the growing agricultural plains forming meanders and braids.    

Features of interest
We can build knowledge about glaciers, springs, rills, confluences, aquifers, land absorption etc. Some itineraries take us the full length of a major river.

Societies need to fairly distribute the benefits of rivers to the various sectional interests. We can learn of the importance of maintaining the health of rivers, how to keep communities safe from their occasional angry rages (flooding) and how we can use them to generate power and irrigate the lands for food.  
Systems we discuss include:- canals, em
bankments, dredging constricting, aligning and more.

River animals and plants
Biology students see various natural life forms that depend on healthy rivers. We learn of the importance of river plants and animals and examine ways these are sustainably managed.

Rivers accumulate gold
from sparse gold lands.  We can learn how this process works and explore the remnants of past gold rush towns.

Rafting, Canoeing Jet Boating, Fishing, Swimming are all popular activities that use rivers. Interested groups can participate and study the businesses involved.

Agricultural industries rival for the essential water rivers provide. We view the various ways water is used and distributed on to the land. In addition we explore the methods for management of the resource. 

North Island Rivers

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Hydro Electric Power



Rivers in the world's wettest area


See Also:-

Clutha River    
(610 cumecs - 338 km  300m elevation)

Link to Waitaki River *  
(356 cumecs)

Waikato River
(350 cumecs
  425km 356m elevation)

Link to Kawarau River *
(216 cumecs

Link to images *


 take you there - Providers of Life and Energy
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