New Zealand Student Tours


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This living museum brings to life the facilities, homes and industries that our ancestors lived with.

Ride a steam train ride, pan for gold to take home, pose for some fun pictures and check out the shops and machines used some 3 generations ago.

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Settlement Studies
We see the tools, industries, transportation, culture and dwellings and very different technology and fife styles that supported Nineteenth Century gold rush towns.

Displays lead to interests in:- banking, administration, school teaching, fire protection, hotels, churches, entertainment, carpentry, milling, appliances, furniture, shopping, hospital, photography, gold extraction, steam trains, hydro mechanical power, food, printing, shipping, clothing, which all contributed to the welfare and survival of the settlers.

Horse powered transport.
See where the real transport and power came from
.  Learn how the horses played such a critical roll in the success of the remote mining settlements.

We see here the services that were needed to maintain and house horses.  Vehicles on display include:- fire fighting vehicles,  MORE

Steam powered motors
We take a short train ride in an old working steam train through the rainforest to an old goldmine.  On the way we see a sawmill. 

Water powered motors
See working examples of powerful movement taken from rivers enabling miners and manufactures to drive various machines for their industries.

You can take a lesson or just visit a real 1880's school
where slates, chalk, and nibs were the writing medium and where the cane was the feared punishment for failing to comply.

Gold Panning
We take a short lesson then experience panning for gold ourselves. (Gold we find we keep) 

We see gold extraction using a "sluicing" system that was used extensively by gold mining operations world wide.

Working displays enable you to understand the simple sciences behind this and other gold extraction methods illustrated here.

We learn to recognise the evidence of this process in other derelict landscapes.

View the medical technology of yesterday-
Iron lung, first x-ray machine, gynaecology instruments, operating theatre and ward.

See the office equipment, ledgers and gold scales
. Can you imagine what banks may be like in another 100 years?

All exhibits are displayed in genuine buildings that were used in the those times.

Buildings are all maintained and set out as they were in the 1880s. Even the staff wear period clothing as they go about their duties.

Every town has one
and no one wants to know.

Dress up for photo session
What better way can you learn of the fashion and clothing from the past than to dress up with your friends and take a photo to commemorate the event.

Iron workshop
We learn how this important and expensive metal was prepared for its roll in the Victorian industries and communities.

Carpenter's workshop
Here trees were converted into so many essentials.
  The tools used are on display. Often these were largely made of wood themselves.

Printing workshop
Communications for their world came from here.
See the machines that prepared the news for the miners their service providers and their families in each community

Camera shop
Only professionals had the equipment
and the chemicals to record the important events of the communities. See them here.  

Chinese dwellings
Encounter the differences between goldfield cultures.
  By looking further you will discover a world of racial segregation: different work ethics, different motivation, huge cultural and religious variations and a chasm of mistrust between them. 

Saw mill
A visit here will let you into the secrets
management, organisation and work ethics of this demanding industry.  Mills played a vital roll in growing settlements. Milling towns thrived around these factories and many still exist.

See how technology and entertainment have changed.
 Can you make a judgment on the attraction values between modern and old-time bars?

Public water well
Imagine life without taps.
  The daily task was to go to the well, pump the water into your bucket and carry it back to your house. Imagine the arguments this chore would create in your home? Then you have to make a fire to heat the water for bathing and laundry.

Home appliances
Find a
stove, a floor cleaner, a washing machine, a bread maker, a butter maker, are there others?

Some were just a hole in the ground and others used large cans
under the seats. All were smelly and in a shelter well away from the house.  Take a fun photo.

Town administration office
Community leaders and planners met here.  Decorations and equipment
on display help you imagine life as an early community leader.

The centre of religious gatherings
where people heard the word of their God and became aware of the ways they should treat and work with others within their communities and families. 

Tourism Studies
As this is a man-made attraction you gain insights into the items that attract tourists and the services a good tourist attraction needs. When this is a maim study
KANES will arrange for a meeting with the museum manager to enlarge on these aspect and answer prepared questions. 

"One favourite was the old schoolyard, where Mr G conducted a impromptu lesson which was full of yelling, line writing and waving a cane around. Definitely hilarious, but I’m sure that we’re all happy that they don’t use canes any more. And nibs! The results were mostly disastrous for the students who tried, except for L.P, who has a Calligraphy set at home. We were all jealous."

"Yes, we all actually found some authentic Gold! "

"We all enjoyed locking each other up in the shackles and the stocks, and taking pictures."

Today many of the old towns and industries have been lost to the forest and time.

See also:

Gold mining

Timber Milling

Settlements in the Zone


take you there and tailor your experiences to meet your interests
