Costings for rental properties 
Renting Index

"Incomes" less "Costs" equal "CASH-FLOWS"

"Incomes" include:-
 Capital growth (less inflation)

"Costs" include:-
 Interest on property value
 Operations and administration
 Replacements & refurbishments
 Special rental taxes

Use the calculator to find "CASH-FLOWS"

1) Download XL Property Cash-flow Calculator: 

2) Change yellow cells for your unit and situation.

Defaults are set for large 3 br flat, or modest Timaru house in 2024.

Some input estimations may require professional guidance for more accurate "cash-flow" results.


If rental properties consistently fail to exceed zero cash-flows they are usually removed from the renting market making more people homeless.

Owners should always seek advice from experienced qualified professionals before taking any major decisions with their rental property investments.