Rent Setting
Changing Tenancies 


Local markets set rents

 Places to find local "market rents"
Tenancy services *
    ●  TradeMe 
    ●  Facebook's rental property groups
    ●  NZ Property Investors Federation 
    ●  Local property managers' websites

    ●  Local newspapers or notice boards
    ●  Other local tenants and providers.

Tenancy Services can be unreliable

Important considerations for rent setting

   ●   Higher rents turn away desirable renters
   ●   Lower rents
increase losses
   ●   Rents plus capital
gains must pay costs
   ●   As costs increase: rents must also increase

   ●   Costs include:-
     -  Restorations and replacements

     Interest on property value
     -  Council rates, insurance, administration,
     -  Landlord taxes
     -  Repairs and maintenance

   ●   If costs exceed incomes seek other investments


Changing Tenancies