Rent Setting
Markets dictate rents
Changing TenanciesWhen rental homes are:-
Scarce, market rents rise.
Plentiful, market rents fall.
Market rents are also affected by the number of bedrooms, size, presentation, and location of the property.
● Higher rents discourage quality renters
● Lower rents destroy financial sustainabilityLinks to help find local "market rents"
● Tenancy services *
● TradeMe
● Facebook's rental property groups
● NZ Property Investors Federation
● Local property managers' websites
● Local newspapers or notice boards
● Other local tenants and providers.* Tenancy Services' guide to market rents can often be out of date.
Important financial considerations
If costs exceed incomes properties may be sold
Factors that often affect market rents
● Immigration
● Industry changes in the area
● Government policies taxes and costs
● Interest rates
● Supply and demand
● Seasonal fluctuations