For Tenants Changing tenancies _ Click here
Changing Renters home
Tasks to help improve sustainability.
As soon as renters advise they are leaving providers
immediately begin stages 1-5 so a new renter can be chosen
and move in as the departing renter leaves.
1 Rent setting
Rents are dictated by local markets
2 Advertising
Be honest and informative to encourage only compatible
3 Termination
Departing renters must meet several legal requirements
as they leave their rental homes.
4 Select New Renter
Renters are both customers and partners in a relationships
that care for properties valued in hundreds of thousands of
dollars. Selection of a suitable partnership is vital for all
5 Welcome Selected Renter
When moving into a new rental home there are many rules
and expectations involving all parties. This helps clarify
expectations and ensure compliances are met from
When a renter leaves owners may also consider refurbishing or selling their property if other (safe) investments provide better financial returns.