Welcomed New Renters
Changing Tenancies
(Clipboard suggested to hold these together. See more below)1 Process checklist
2 Tenancy agreement * more with t.s.>
3 Online Bond lodgement *
4 New renters' information brochure
5 Diary more>
6 Rent summery sheet * more with t.s.>
* Items required by law (others help a lot).► Process checklist
Providers mark off each item as they progress through the process of establishing their new tenant customers.► Tenancy agreement
These are mandatory. Tenancy law may override conflicting clauses. Other agreement copies can be found (free) with:-
● Tenancy Services,
● New Zealand Property Investors Federation,
● Law Society
● Google.Providers can copy and change standard blank agreements personalising them and adding (legitimate) clauses that better protect their interests.
Some optional clauses involve:-
● Limiting numbers of occupants
● Naming permitted occupants
● Subletting
● Smoking
● Pets
● Terms of lease (not entirely enforceable)
● Rights to sheds and out buildings
● Maintenance and care responsibilities
● Debt liabilities spread to all (named) occupants
● Back up contact people and addresses
● Guarantors
● Condition of property at start of tenancies
● Detailed requirements when tenancy ends
● More from Tenancy Services>
Short concise agreements are generally read and are more easily understood by signatories.
► Brochure for new tenants
(Print two sided landscape then fold twice).
This outlines renters' lawful obligations when hiring multi hundred thousand dollar homes. It helps save time and avoid misunderstandings later.
► Bond Lodgement Online
● Bonds must be lodged within 30 days of receipt. ● Credit card accepted
● Signature not required at this time.
● Confirmations received by return email
● More from Tenancy Services>Old Bond lodgement form (PDF form)
This is being phased out.
► Guarantor agreement
These are optional. They are particularly important for younger or otherwise supported people who seek to rent a home. Guarantors effectively take all the renters responsibilities that may be breached during the tenancy. Owners must ensure guarantors are capable of meeting their obligations as much as the renters themselves.► Diary for tenancy
Tenancy diaries (one for each tenancy) are recommended to record evidence for possible future disputes. They record dates and records of phone conversations, complaints, breaches, promises to fix and more. They are especially helpful for tribunals when considering evictions for multiple disruptions and breaches.► Automatic payment form
If used, this simply enables rents to be transferred from renters' to providers' accounts. Payment dates are best arranged to coincide with renters' pay days. When completed, providers can avoid possible problems by delivering these to the renters' banks to ensure it is working.
Note: Banks fail payments when funds are insufficient. Renters must pay missed payments manually.► Rent summery spreadsheet
Landlords must record all rent payments. Rent summaries include amount paid, dates paid and dates paid to. They need to balance with bank statement entries. Tenants can ask for updated summaries at any time. Computer spreadsheets save time.
See Tenancy Service's Rent summary forms and more.► Paper receipts
These must be used for all cash payments