Antarctic Tour
7Jan - 3  Feb 2025

Terra Nova Bay
Sunday 19 Jan
Then sail via Inexpressible Island & Drygalski Ice Tongue
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Slept in so began with a rush. Several base stations set here.
Weather at 9am calm sunny and mild at around 8deg 
Morning     Walk near German base "Gondwana Station"
Afternoon "Inexpressible Island" Here one of Scotts parties had to stay over winter
 Zodiac run beside 50 km long floating Glacier Tongue

Mt Melbourne volcano  3200masl

Skua protecting its tertory


Korean Antarctic Base

The rocks are watching too

My Mate!



Back at sea to sail south  via Inexpressible Island & Drygakski Ice Tongue

Italian base

Italian Base

Mt Melbourne Volcano

Chinese Base - under construction

Drygalski Ice Tongue
Around 60 km long and 25 km wide
Takes us from mid afternoon till midnight reach its end with some stops  for zodiacs and more
Temps range 6 -2 deg


Boarding zodiac for closer look at the Drygelski Ice Tongue 50km from land

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