Northern Territory Trip with Bob & Sheena 
 28 May - 14 July  2018

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June 5 - June 7

Richmond - Karumba - Mt Isa

Leaving Richmond and the cizzies for a day at Karumba with Ken & Loraine. Evening trips to the sand island in the gulf and a trip up the Norman River to get a crab for dinner.  So kind, and thanks guys. You live in a  lovely spot of the world.

Morning Glories

Lots of road kill - seen also a few cattle beasts too

"Development Road"  to Karumba  5 hours each way  (below)

2 nights with friends Ken and Lorraine and their boats at Karumba
At the mouth of the Norman River and the Gulf of Carpentaria 

Day at Karumba

Back to the sand island

The crab  delishimo extremus

Good by and on the road again to Mt Isa

Good by Hen & Loraine thanks for the very comfortable "donga" 

Now to catch up with the cuzzies (below)

Mt Isa (below)

Long day so took a motel - and this is the view Nice unit and a good relaxing bed

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