New Zealand Student Tours

Canterbury Museum 

This museum is renown for its excellent educational presentations excelling in early Maori settlements, Antarctic exploration, nature, local settlement, nature and environmental management.

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Pre European Maori

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White Herrons

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Mao Hunting

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Egyptian Mummy

See also: 




The museum was established in the 1860s by Julius von Haast the Canterbury geologist who gathered and traded keenly sought moa bones & skeletons with the museums world wide making this a leader of its time.   The museum now offers superb presentations relating to life styles of the past. more>

This has magnificent relics and displays of early exploration, achievements, equipment used by- Amundsen, Scott, Shackleton, Hillary and others.  The dioramas exquisitely display amazing animals and we can hear the calls of whales. more>

Maori Culture
A large area provides us with one of the best illustrations of pre- European Maori culture, using excellent dioramas of buildings, food, clothing, tools, settlement planning, transport and more. more>  

Lets us see some of the progression of local systems from the old "penny farthing" bicycle.  Other museums in Christchurch cover transport more thoroughly for the enthusiasts.  more>

This Section shows us with graphic realism and models the affects of man's impact on nature including rivers, coasts, soils and air quality etc. more>.

Native Bird Section
Dioramas display the birds of New Zealand, some rare and others quite common. See also the world's largest bird ever, the giant Moa (recently extinct). more>

Geography Sections
Displays include meteorites, earthquakes, volcanoes, geology, giant world relief globe, rivers, weather and coasts.

Victorian Culture Section
Witness fashion displays, household equipment, photos, and a reconstructed 1870's inner city street.

Egypt section
Encounter an
exceptional Egyptian mummy and see the x-ray photo of its contents.

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