New Zealand Learning Adventures

Assess Interest
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School excursions require enthusiastic support of the principal, students families and colleagues.

To save time, its wise to ensure these people will support the concept of a New Zealand tour for their Institution   

Know their objectives
● Principals need assurance students will be safe and will extend their education significantly.

Students seek thrilling fun with their friends, new cultures and  international travel with staff they like and respect.

● Families seek affordable personal growth opportunities. 

●  Colleagues assist with supervision in return for free travel, their own professional development and fun with their colleagues and cooperative students.  more>

Staff development
Staff develop teaching, leadership, management and organisational skills.  They build respect from the students and the community. They open new promotional opportunities for themselves.

School development
International excursions demonstrate that schools aspires to higher effective education. Parents frequently seek out schools that offer quality affordable international experiences for their children.

Safety assurance
Principals need assurance that their students will be safe at all times. Governing bodies, schools and local operators all provide risk management policies to be followed. more>

Minimal staff time
To minimise staff time KANES use forms for students to complete and phone conversations for more involved questions and explanations that may be required. more>

Principals need confidence that the attending staff and students will follow established school protocols, for safety and learning to uphold the esteem of their school, their country and themselves.

Costs for the school
Most principals prefer that there be no financial contribution required from the school, other than handling the finances of the event. 

Sometimes principals show concerns that some students may miss the opportunity because they can't manage to meet the price.  They also may need assurance that quotations will not be exceeded with extra or hidden costs.


l provide more action education - every day

Learning outcome

Students Seek

Families Seek

Colleagues Seek

        Confidence Building     Sciences    Humanities   Life skills

Fun and enjoyment

Staff development

Life skills 

School development

Safety assurances

Staff time involvement

Costs for the school
