Rent Reviews
Rentagain index

Rents must rise as costs increase .

Documents to print

Notification letter (required 60 days before)

Explanation brochure (helps with PR)

Bank AP form (if needed)

Before reviewing, ensure:-

1) New rent fits market range for property *
2) Incomes actually pay all costs
    Rentals  that don't, are often sold

Suggestions to keep valued renters

 ●  Review to 90% of market rents (no less)
 ●  Review rents yearly (keeps increases lower)
 ●  Keep increase less than 10%
 ●  Review at convenient times. (e.g. not Xmas).


Notification must be 60 days prior to change
 ●  Reviews cannot be more frequent than yearly

     Diary regular notifications to avoid time slippage

      More with Tenancy Services


* Consider renting future if If market rents with cap gain fail to pay costs (including;- replacements, interest and wages for owners work. more>.

Ever Noticed??

Large commercial property companies do not provide rental accommodation.  WHY?

Charities, councils and governments all need subsidies from donations, rates and taxes to provide rental homes.  

Rentagain index
