Antarctic Tour
7Jan - 3  Feb 2025

Friday 10 Jan Snare Islands
watching the "Crested Snare Penguins"

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Woke up with rocking ocean and after breakfast with Sarah from Oregon and Neville who works a hair dressing business in Canberra and Sydney. First day exploring from the zodiacs.  A big contrast from the last windy rough visit of 2021

AM Really enjoyed the days warmth and even sun. Even the guides were excited that this was an apex experience viewing the unique Penguins.
PM  started the intense journey South towards Macquarie Island. Yet to adjusted yet to the rocking & rolling. Dinner with Helen & Grahame,  Australian merino farmers on around 260,000 acres. (10 acres to the sheep)   in western NSW.  They will be finding the confinement more of a challenge at this stage.



Young Elephant Seal

