Antarctic Tour
7Jan - 3  Feb 2025

From Mon 13th -  Four Days at Sea
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Monday 13 
Sea roughish but feeling fine.  Caught up with web site work - attended 3 lectures* - 2 meals and 10 nin gym exercise. 

3 Lectures on nature and early Exploration

Tuesday 14
Usual 7am rise - 10 min gym - walk around boat a stairs - issued the outer jacket fir the ice.   Sea quite ok no rain Temp out around 5deg with wind chill -5deg,  Everyone had to guess a date/time the first, bus size or bigger, iceberg is spotted. Mine is10am Thursday. 4 great lectures and a movie meant the was no time for a doze.

1st Lecture on the experiences of the documentary film maker currently making a doco on this trip.

2nd Lecture on Shackleton's 1908 "Nimrod Expedition"  to try to better Scott and nearly reaches the South Pole. First to ascend 12,000ft Mt Erebus and Magnetic pole

3rd  Lecture The amazing features of Antarctica

4th  Lecture  The story of  sea ice types, processes and what is happens in January

Evening Movie  Documentary on the Norwegian, Borchgrevenk, who lead the first winter expedition.

Free bad goodies

Fitting jackets

Wednesday 15th
Was daylight all night for the first time. Morning began with calm sea and moderate NW breeze and around 7deg. 
Two morning and 3 afternoon lectures covering first explorations, photography and youngsters from the Heritage trust team
Around 6pm:- crossing the Antarctic circle.  Party time!! Winner of the seen iceberg awarded. (3am this morning)
8-15pm  Part two of the doco on Borchgrevink's first winter expedition.
10pm:-  Very big berg on the horizon an hour's sailing away.

Entering this map today

Party time - crossing the Antarctic circle

First berg

Midnight sun

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