New Zealand Student Tours


Farming in New Zealand

About half of the of the land area in New Zealand is used for food production.

The most common farm products include:- lamb, beef, dairy, fruit, vegetables, fish and grains.

Interested groups explore the annual farming cycles, economic and management systems aimed at obtaining best yields.

Agradome Farm Show

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High Country Farm 

A chance to feed the lambs.

Exploring a kiwi farm

Apple Orchard

Moving animals

Bushman's Centre

Canterbury Farm Plains

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High Country Farming

Grape growing for wine making

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Meet the farmer's "staff"

Kiwi fruit farm

See also
Link images

KANES arrange farm visits for interested groups.

We explore life cycles, management, marketing, maintenance, economics, hazards, animal health, inputs and planning. .  Visits to farms, farm shows, guide's commentaries and displays all help guests explore their areas of interest.

Animal Farms
Sheep and cattle are the most popular farmed animal species. Amongst these are many different breeds, each with their own special strengths to thrive in different environments and for different uses.  Interested groups can study the annual cycle of each, looking at the breeding, feeding and, health of the animals and the farmers' payments when the animals leave.

Farm Shows
These help provide visitors with informative, colourful and entertaining insights into life on the farm. You can make close contact with various farm produce and animals.

In the South Island's Desert and Adventure Zone our most popular farming experience involves a steam boat cruise and afternoon tea. Visitors see dog handling  sheep sheering, wool spinning and final products. 

The North Island's Active Volcano Zone provides the popular Agradome farm show with rollicking commentaries sheep dogs working and a selection of sheep that help you understand various breeds farms you see all over New Zealand.

High Country Farms
This type of farm lets the animals free on the mountains to search for their sustenance.  These farms are much bigger and contain different breeds of grasses and animals,  Alpine Grandeur Zone. 

Wetland Farming
Very high rain fall areas require different farm management techniques to avoid excessive moisture.

Dairy Farms
 In many areas of NZ dairy farms are taking over from other farms. Interested groups Learn about the collection, transportation and preparation of milk for the markets.   A visit to a milking shed can often be arranged for study groups.  

Vegetable Farms
Communities in suitable areas grow their own vegetables  Many locals grow their own in their gardens.

Fruit Farms
Otherwise known as orchards, fruit farms are found in most zones. Various weather patterns dictate the varieties of fruit their care and productivity. The Desert & Adventure Zone is well known for stone fruit, pip fruit and grapes.  Kiwi fruit and citrus fruit are most available in the Main Population Zone.

Grain Farms
These include wheat, barley and various temperate vegetables and they are found throughout the country especially near towns.

Fish Farms
Generally new and developing enterprises only a few fish farms are situated in areas on the normal tour route. They include salmon, mussel, prawn and abalone. 

Overnight Farm Stays
Larger groups on limited budgets  can experience a stay on a South Island high-country farm among the mountains. Small numbers of guests (2-4) can be  hosted at individual family farms for about the same price as staying at a 4-star hotel. -  more>

Forest for timber
plantations are found all over New Zealand  Timber (mainly pine) is a major export product and interested groups walk into the forests and observe the various stages of the growth, care, harvest and uses of this material.  more>

Soil Studies

Diary farms


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