Immense tectonic forces colliding deep below melt the earths crust forming
liquid "magna". This flows and escapes from its pressured capsules forming "volcanoes"
on the surface.
There are hundreds
of volcanoes in New Zealand. They all display
fascinating features to be explored.
At on-site
locations we learn about these natural wonders including their creation, development, deposits, aging effects
and how humans use these to help sustain their settlements. Numerous
museums and information centres help us understand concepts.
Volcano Settlements
We learn why human settlements are attracted to volcanoes we look at their
hazards, care, management and safety issues.
Involved too are various magma
types, eruption types, mountain shapes and ash types.
Active Volcanoes
The North Island's
Active Volcano Zone has the world's widest variety of active volcanoes in a compact area.
KANES recommend groups with main interests in volcanoes spend a
minimum of 3 days exploring in this zone. As well as numerous active
volcanoes of various types we also find geysers, fumaroles, calderas and
domes. This zone harnesses geothermal energy converting it into electricity.

Volcano walks

Layers of Loess, Breccia, &

Volcano tour
In the
English Culture and Volcano Zone
we experience various types of ejected materials, plugs and dykes.
We actually drive into a feature filled crater. An aerial cable car ride can take us to the crater rim
and there a time tunnel ride brings the volcano's seven million year growth to life.



Pillow Deposits
Pillow Lava
The South Island's
Local Culture Zone
has excellent examples an basaltic pillow lava flows that travelled many kilometres
to reach the ocean in a once violent steaming collision.
See also:-
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