 Renting Tasks
Homes are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars

Reasons / Benefits for inspections
 ●  Expose repairs and maintenance requirements
 ●  Identify breaches
 ●  Update employment and contact details
(if abandoned later)
 ●  Improve trust and respect between parties
 ●  Satisfy insurance requirements
 ●  Enable legal entry 
(when renters avoid contact attempts) AND
 ●  Confirm if place is abandoned
(When arrears and no contact available)

Documents to print
Notification letter 
 ●  Information brochure
 Inspection checklist  

 ●  Written notification letter required 48hrs before
(OR 24hrs for suspected abandonment or repairs)
 ●  Access only between 8am and 7pm
 ●  Delivered notification letters are deemed read
 ●  Renters do not have to be present at inspections
 ●  Min.28 days between inspections, unless to recheck

●  Inspections cost owners around $120 each for wages and compliance
 ●  See also
"Maintenance & Inspections"
with Tenancy Services

During inspections:-

 ●  Stay polite and respectful
 ●  Discuss the need for care & fault reporting
 ●  Complete checklists and note problems
 ●  Photograph breach concerns. (not personal items)
 ●  If breaches found: establish mutually agreeable remedy plans
 ●  Update important contact details
(employer, emergency contacts)


After Inspections
 ●  Print and deliver any required 
14 day breach letters 
 ●  Diary conversations of significance 
 ●  File checklists and correspondence
 ●  If required, re-inspect to ensure breaches are fixed
(after 14 days).
 ●  Complete any needed repairs and maintenance items

